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The Public Service Announcement

Producer, writer, editor, music, and additional photography

Media Player for The Public Service Announcement

Black and white picture of director Grace Reyer and actress Noelia Trevino on set behind a sparse wooden table.
Director Grace Reyer and photographer Laurel Coyle in a field outside during the daytime observing the scene in front of them.
Black and white picture of director Grace Reyer and producer T.J. Masters outside in front of a dilapidated building.

Technical Specs for The Public Service Announcement

  • Digital

Description for The Public Service Announcement

The Public Service Announcement is a short film made to accompany a spoken word Guma composition of the same name. The film was shot in November 2023 in and around Lockhart, TX and features many of that city’s iconic public locations and homes. Its fantastical narrative was contrived separately from the composition of the music, and the film was edited as a silent movie before the soundtrack was added. This technique allowed for the irruption of semiotic coincidences and new meaning for both the soundtrack and image once the visual piece was overlayed with the music. The film was partially funded by a grant from the City of Austin’s Economic Development Department.

Additional Cast/Crew

Grace Reyer — Director
Laurel Coyle — Director of Photography; Wardrobes and Locations
Noelia Trevino — Time

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